If You Love A Flower, Don’t Pick It Up

If you love a flower, don't pick it up
graphic © eminentlyquotable.com | photo – Publicdomainpictures.net

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” -Osho

Chandra Mohan Jain or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931 – 1990) was an Indian mystic, philosophy professor, and spiritual guru known for his outspokenness in his controversial views that range from political, spiritual, to sexual. In 1989, he disciples started calling him “Osho” which was said to be derived from William James’ word “oceanic” or dissolving into the ocean.

Although commonly taken in its figurative sense, the quote above also contains a literal truth. Although picking a beautiful flower seems harmless and trivial, it actually has environmental repercussions most people are not aware of. Certain rules in picking flowers exist for two main purposes: conservation and protection of private property. Picking cultivated flowers from state parks and private lands without permission is considered a criminal offense. Picking rare and endangered wildflowers like the lady’s slipper orchid is also illegal due to the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act.

More environmentalists and conservationists these days are opposed to the act of picking wildflowers as some species become rare because of climate change. Wildflowers play an essential part in the ecosystem in a micro scale. As more species become extinct due to environmental change and human’s unthinking actions, the effects in the micro scale will ultimately become evident to humans.

English environmentalist and author Sheherazade Goldsmith was quoted for saying “Conservation is key to preserving many of the world’s natural beauty spots, so do your best to help by keeping to designated footpaths and being a discerning souvenir collector. Loving beauty is letting it live.”

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